Friday, 18 March 2016

ICT Level 3 Descriptors (1999)

Level 3 (Ideally most children will be working at Level 3 by the end of Year 4)

Strand i) Finding things out
Pupils use ICT to save information and to find and use appropriate stored information, following straightforward lines of enquiry. 

Strand ii) Part 1: Developing ideas & making things happen - measurement & control

They use sequences of instructions to control devices and achieve specific outcomes.

Strand ii) Part 2: Developing ideas & making things happen - modelling

They make appropriate choices when using ICT-based models or simulations to help them find things out and solve problems.

Strand iii) Exchanging & sharing information

They use ICT to generate, develop, organise and present their work.

Strand iv) Reviewing, modifying & evaluating work as it progresses

They describe their use of ICT and its use outside school. 

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